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It seems quite likely that ‘Wheel of Fortune’ contestant Paul Atkinson will never again mispronounce the word “curio” after blowing an easy puzzle solution that would have earned him a $1 million prize.

All he had to do was utter the three-word phrase, “Corner Curio Cabinet.” Unfortunately, he was so shaken that he responded not once, but twice, “Corno Curro Cabinet.”

Another opponent had no problem getting the right words out, leaving a decidedly shell-shocked Atkinson with only $2,000 to show for his efforts.

Paul Atkinson explained the flub to ABC News, “I was nervous. I’ve got Pat freaking Sajak to my immediate right … I’ve got lights and cameras in my face.”

He admits, “I’d never seen that word before. It was my biggest nightmare. I knew I messed up. I knew something awesome could’ve happened, but I totally goofed it.”

Check it out on video:

Photos: Video Screen Grabs